Delaware BibleCast
A podcast ministry of Delaware Bible Church designed inform, encourage, and equip the local church.
Podcasting since 2020 • 112 episodes
Delaware BibleCast
Latest Episodes
#112 - Sharing Your Faith with a Scientologist - Modern Cults and World Religions - #19 - Scientology/New Age Beliefs - Pt. #2
In second and final part of our overview of Scientology/New Age beliefs we focus our attention on how we can share our Christian faith with those who hold to Scientology as their religion or who hold to other similar new age beliefs.

#111 - Introduction to Scientology/New Age Beliefs - Modern Cults and World Religions - #18 - Scientology/New Age Beliefs - Pt. #1
Learn more about what Scientologists and those who hold to New Age Beliefs believe in this podcast episode.

#110 - Reaching Hindus with the Gospel - Modern Cults and World Religions - #17 - Hinduism - Pt. #3
In our final episode overviewing Hinduism we focus specifically on how a Christian can share their faith with a professing Hindu.

#109 - Cows, Pigs, Worship, Yoga, and Transcendental Meditation - Modern Cults and World Religions - #16 - Hinduism - Pt. #2
In this episode we cover several doctrines of the Hindu faith that weren't covered in episode #108 include Hindu views on cows and pigs, how Hindus worship, the faith practice of transcendental meditation and its various forms such as yoga.&nbs...